Our Round the World Itinerary

Yellow = Where we are | Red = Plan to visit | Green = Already visited

Friday, October 24, 2008

Pizza Please

We are loving China. The people are very nice. We were at an Internet cafe and we were having trouble downloading pictures. A man came to help us and when we thanked him he said we did not need to thank him he was just doing his job. You can see they actually take great pride in the country and they are happy to share it with tourists. If you have the name of a site written in Mandarin the locals are happy to point you in the right direction. I know before I got to China I was worried about the cleanliness with so many people, but it is a million times cleaner than Egypt even though it has millions more people. It is so commercial here with all the shopping that you almost forget that you are in a communist country, and then you try to go to a website and find it is blocked and you have to register your passport before you use the Internet. (Big brother is watching.)
Enough of that now and back to the things we have done...
We saw the Terracotta Warriors just outside of Xi'an, which was amazing. We also went on an early morning 14K bike ride on top of the old city wall of Xi'an. As we were riding along the wall we saw people doing their morning exercises, in big groups to synchronized drum beats or flute melodies. (We are trying our best to get in shape for our hike in New Zealand. Thankfully it was a piece of cake compared to the great Wall hike.) Then we took another night train to Shanghai. We are there now and it is raining but the modern architecture in the city puts every other city I have seen so far to shame.
Well that's it for now. I am hungry!! I hope I can find the Pappa Johns I saw advertised. After 6 straight days of Chinese food I am dying for an American pizza.
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