Our Round the World Itinerary

Yellow = Where we are | Red = Plan to visit | Green = Already visited

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Trains, so many trains

So, you will not believe how difficult it is to buy train tickets in Russia. Its not so much difficult as it is frustrating. Every service out there is basically ripping you off with prices 100 - 150% more than the cost of the actual ticket and that does not include the price of shipping the tickets to you. If not you will need to hop a taxi in Moscow and try and find this agents office. Finally after trying to book directly on the official rail website with no luck (website: www.rzd.ru note, the site is in Russian so you will need a friend that can read/speak Russian, I fortunately did), I found the following woman who helps out struggling travelers for a fee. http://www.russiangirlfriday.com/, she is charging $65 for her trouble. We wired her the money, and she has purchased our tickets. Now lets just wait and see if we get them when we get to Moscow.... if not that was an expensive experiment :-)
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