Our Round the World Itinerary

Yellow = Where we are | Red = Plan to visit | Green = Already visited

Sunday, September 7, 2008

And who says French women are the most fashionable

Hi Guys,
Another quick observation for you (all be it somewhat useless since I have no pictures). So... a little over a year ago, a former colleague, after her recent trip to Paris, said that Parisian women were the most fashionable. This seemed to make since to me, because the last time I was in Paris (about 14 years ago) I would have agreed. But now after being to most of the major European cities I totally have to disagree. So here is my ranking... keep in mind this is time sensitive, so if 10 years from now you chose to visit any of these places, please don´t hold me to it.

  1. Madrid, Spain. These women know not only how to dress but to accessorize. The style is simple elegance with great hand bags and shoes, either flats or heels. The jewelry is either just one key fashion piece to bring together the outfit or understated classics.
  2. London, England. These women embrace the trends, but not blindly. They find the new trend that works for their body type and go with it. The jewelry is big and bold. The shoes are mostly trendy flats with the occasional heel. Not a big hand bag town but the few I saw were nice.
  3. Moscow, Russia. This is a little harder, because some of the women here can be a little trashy, showing too much skin. I think this is because of Russia´s relatively new position in the world economy, like most neuveaux rich, they tend to be very flamboyant and label conscious. But still I still think these women can put together great outfits.
  4. Paris, France. I thought more women would have the same great style of the Prime Minister´s chic wife, but this is so far from the truth it is sad. Even walking down the champs-elysees, one of the most fashionable streets in Paris, I maybe only saw one or two women who had a good sense of style. Everywhere else women looked very ordinary ant not special.
  5. Rome, Italy. There were far too many tourists here (maybe we just visited the tourist areas) for me to see who was was a local so I could not judge the style fairly.

Well I welcome anyone elses thoughts too. I hope you enjoyed more random thoughts from Danielle.

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Anonymous said...

Did you notice that EVERYONE wears Converse all-stars? When I went to London recently, everyone ages 3- 60 were wearing Converse. I loved it!

Anonymous said...

I would agree with you about Paris, D. I expected to see so much more fashion forwardness (is that a word?) and I didn't see much. London, I think, was the most trendy - but classically so. But while we were in Italy - THAT was when I saw a lot of awesome fashion. Especially around the Spanish Steps - all the hoity toity shops - I just loved it! ~Mara

Danielle said...

I know the all-stars are everywhere. If someone is wearing tennis shoes they and puma are the shoes of choice.