Our Round the World Itinerary

Yellow = Where we are | Red = Plan to visit | Green = Already visited

Saturday, December 27, 2008

St. Some Where

OK, OK... so St. Some where is actually St. No Where because our day trip was to Port Stephens. No St. in the name anywhere. Yeah I know some times I don't pay the closest of attention. Anyways it was a good time. We were on a large boat, but the dolphins were really friendly and loads came right up to the boat. If I had arms slightly longer than Ryan I could have just reached out and touched them. Unfortunately our pictures were the best because as Ryan would say the our camera's "technology" was just not good enough. I think it is not the camera, its the photographer, he needs to anticipate. The problem is he really wants a new big super fast and fancy Nikkon. I think I will have to give in when when we have kids. After the dolphins we went 4 wheeling in the sand dunes, in some military style hard core 4 wheelers. It was really fun but I thin they could have pushed it just a bit further. We finished our sand dune adventure with sand boarding. Because of the high probability of injures they do not let you go down on your feet proper boarding style, instead it is more like sleding. It was really fun and super fast but the climb back up the dune and the sand in places I care not to talk about it might just be why the sport has not gone main stream like snow boarding.
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