Our Round the World Itinerary

Yellow = Where we are | Red = Plan to visit | Green = Already visited

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Russıan ''Sole''

My fellow shoe lovers...
Thıs ıs D here becuase Ryan would not waıst hıs tıme on such sılly post but you would be amazed by all the great shoes in Moscow. The women are shoe diva's beyond anything you or I could imagine. I kid you not, every women has like 3-4 inch heals walking around town, not even just for special occasions. I wanted to take a picture for the blog but I felt weird taking a picture of a total stranger. Take my word for ıt I never felt like such a bıg slob. They were dressd to ımpress every where. I thought İ looked cute casual but they do not do casual. Alrıght I have to go because my tıme ıs up on the computer. I wıll blog later on my Istambul thoughts. My post always are a lıttle slower than Ryan's.
Digg this

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